domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


In the University my experience in the courses of the levels one, two and three of english was very frustrating for me, because in my experience as student in the class of english in the school in my time of school girl was a permanent challenge and my imagination was flying when the teacher surprised us with a song, letter, text, novel or other things that made interesting the moments in this class. By de contrast it, in the university this levels of english was a torture, because the teachers are very conductist and the class are very stressful and boring.

In my third year of study in the faculty, I was in the level four of english and I could not understanding many things of the subject. In the finally semester of this year I reprobe the subject.

This experience was very horrible for me, because I feel that I lost my time in the class of English and that my learning is few.

The finally of the semester was very sad for this razon.

In the year 2010 I have had a new oportunity of learn english, but in this semester the class is most fun, because the teacher is very friendly and very good person. In this class I feel comfortable and the time is helpful. I like this class, but I would like have much time for dedicate me to study the documents of this subject.

In the new finally of semester, but of the year 2010 my life is a real colapse, my career is a finish in the next year and the academic demand is insopotable, for this razon, the english is very difficult for study, because my time is limited and my head is a twister that does not stop to think in many important things as english.

In conclusion, my experience in the classes of english is different depending of the year in that I was a student for this subject. For example, in the years 2008 and 2009 the english was a terrible subject and the year 2010 the english is a good class for learnig more from this topic. I liked very much to have the oportunity of write this essay because is good expressing the emotions and the likes and dislikes of the life.

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