jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Much sleep

In the page of internet voanews.com was published a research of the hours of sleep of the people, in special of the childrens in relation with the health in the life and the learning of the children’s.

The study called: “Study Links Bedtime Rules to Better Skills in Preschool Children” is clear in saying that sleep Little time is not beneficial for the life in the school, because the sleep is linked with the abilities in lenguaje, reading and early math skills and the few hours sleeping are a form of to suppress these capabilities of the students.

For investigate this reality, the parents colaborated with the specialists in this iniciative of the special form: scoring the hours that their children sleep. The mothers or fathers answered this questions by telephone for months and years and of this form the investigation was a success.

The study also confirmed that the hours of sleep are impresindibles for the fisical activities and mentals.

In detail...the sleep is very vital for the life of the persons.

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