jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

The Choristers

My favorite film is The Choristers. This history was captivated me in the winter of the 2008 with the social and educational problematics of its personajes.

The movie is based on a true story of a teacher of music and a group of students that live in a school-orphanage in France in the time of post-war. The orphanage for boys is a big place. The walls are cold, and the rooms of the childrens are very inhospitables.

The story started in the day that the teacher of music goes to the orphanage and discovers that his vocation is to change the fate of these childrens. For this created a children's choir.

The main characters are: The teacher Clément Mathieu (Gérard Jugnot), Pierre Morhange (Jean-Baptiste Maunier).and Pépinot (Maxence Perrin), and the other boys of the film. This film is my favorite film because the histories of childrens help me to understand my vocation and remember me one initial practice in a school-orphanage of Santiago.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

My place...

I think that a place most interesting for me to visit is maybe very particular.
Is don’t a place for “carretear”, but in their daily lives inside two parties that for the Cristians are calleds “Eucaristia”.

My recomended place is my dear churche “ Nuestra Señora De Las Mercedes. Is localized in the town of Puente Alto in Santiago of Chile. The address of the temple is Santo Domingo #444.
How to get ther? Uff…is very simple. The churche is in the corner of station Plaza De Puente Alto in the subway of Santiago ( In the 4 liner).

When the people is in the temple, is necessary must respect, because is a place of oration, but this does not mean that this Parroquia is boring, on the contrary, this thing are the necesary element for the grade of magic for the Eucaristía.
In my church, exists a Pastoral for childrens. In this Pastoral called "Infancia Misionera", the girls and boys are very specials, because with a one smile bring God's love to other children through the mission.

Also exist in this temple youth groups and adults, older adults having fun a lot in comunity.
I recomended visit the Parroquia Las Mercedes, because is a beautifull experience of life.

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

My favorite band

"De Saloon" is my favorite band of chilean rock, and my favorite singer is Piero Duhart, the vocalist of this band.

De Saloon consists of three miembres:
Roberto Arancibia, Ricardo Barrenechea and my favorite singer: Piero Duhart.
This boys are " Penquistas", because born in Concepción city, in the eighth region of Chile.

The first heard the band, was in a job of summer, in the Mall Plaza Vespucio. A friend that in this moment is my boyfriend he added one song of this band in my MP3 and from this moment I'm a fan of De Saloon.

In my first concert of the band was in the Caupolican Theatre in the center of Santiago, in this place I sang the songs more beautifull that I listening in my life. From that day, De Saloon is my favourite band.

My favorite song of De Saloon is "Para siempre". I like this song because is a history of love. In the song, a man talk with his girlfriend of his commitment and his promise of eternal love. I love very much this song! Is very simmilar of my history of love.

Everything a experience of life in one song.

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

My year

The 2010 is a very bad year for me. I feel that is very imposible to learn new things in the university in many disciplines because my mind is in the other place. In really, in this year I learn only to self-management my emotions, sadness and my depression too.
My free time activities I have rejoiced in difficult times…I recognize that in many moments my face my face has smiled for this. In this moment my favorite free activity is walk in the city, walk in the city tour fun places, listening to good music, or conversing in good company.
The challenge I had to face is very complicated, because I’m very sad for this. In enero of 2010 I was in the hospital for seven years because I had a pulmonary embolism (TEP). This is a thrombosis in the lungs…is a tragedy in my life.
This situation is difficult for me…In the day I Think in this and cry when I remember the pain of enero.
My family, friends and my boyfriend have always been with my support and gave love. I am very happy because I have not been alone in no time.
This is a summary of my year 2010.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010


The country I like to visit is Spain, because I think that the culture of the people in this place is very different compared to Chilean culture.

Spain is a country located on the European continent. I know a Little things about Spain. For example, I read in my books of study and I watch in tv some characteristics of this country. I write in this moment the information that I know:

The capital of this country is Madrid, and the currency that is used is the “Euro”.I like this country because the language is similar to my language. In Spain and Chile the persons talk in Spanish.In Spain as well as other languages are spoken: Catalan, Gallego, Euskera and Occitano.

My motivation to visit Spain is very big, because in this country my favorite writer “Gustavo Adolfo Becquer” was born, lived, and died. This man was a very famous writer in Spain. His poems are very recognized in the world.In this country, there is the grave of Becquer.

I would like to study in Spain. The Faculty of Education in the Complutense University of Madrid has many careers of Pedagogy. I would like to continue my studies in that University.Spain is very interesting and nice. That is the country of the poesy and the art.